2018 Global Online Marketing Academic Challenge


Global Winner

2018 GOMAC - Global Winner

2018 GOMAC – Global Winner

Regional Winners

2018 GOMAC Americas Winner

2018 GOMAC – Americas Regional Winner

  • The Americas Regional Winner comes from ESG UQAM in Canada, under Professor Harold Boeck. The team of Joanny St-Onge (Captain), Rami Aloulou, Yann Clement and Vanessa McGregor worked with GUSTA Foods which distributes vegan products (Sausages, Cheeses, Seitan) to grocery stores and also manages a restaurant. Reports: Pre-Campaign and Post-Campaign.


2018 GOMAC - Asia Regional Winner

2018 GOMAC – Asia Regional Winner

  • The Asia & Pacific/Middle East & Africa Regional Winner comes from FLAME University in India, under Professor Sajith Narayanan. The team of Neha Mubeen (Captain), Saumya Sampath, Aishwarya Ravishankar, Nikitha DV, Danish Khan and Diksha Chauhan worked with SkyWater Clothing, an India’s online fashion retail. Reports: Pre-Campaign and Post-Campaign.


2018 GOMAC - Europe 2018 Regional Winner

2018 GOMAC – Europe 2018 Regional Winner


Congratulations to all teams who participated in the 2018 GOMAC edition. You have increased your knowledge and experience working for a real client and spending real money. In this year’s edition, digital marketing Professors from all over the world registered 165 student teams (over 600 students) to the GOMAC. For the 2018 GOMAC edition only students of the Global Online Academics (GOMA) Community members were invited.

Categories included in the 2018 GOMAC Ranking:

  • Nominee: Teams that demonstrated very strong understanding of digital marketing by developing a solid campaign and its supporting documentation.
  • Semi-Finalists: Teams that demonstrated superior understanding of digital marketing, developed and documented very high quality campaigns. GOMAC regions were determined based on the number of submissions. Neighboring countries with fewer submissions were grouped together. All Semi-finalists demonstrated the same overall level of proficiency even though they are classified in separate regions.
  • Finalists: Teams that demonstrated overall excellence in the field of the digital marketing. All Finalists demonstrated the same overall level of proficiency even though they are classified in separate regions.
  • Regional Winners: Although all Finalists demonstrated outstanding campaigns, only one team in each region can be crowned Regional Winner.
  • Global Winner: Out of the several nominated teams and outstanding marketing campaigns, the Judging Panel identified that this team designed, executed and presented the best digital marketing campaign in 2018.



The following table lists the 2018 GOMAC Finalist teams:

Institution Country Professor Team Captain Member
ESG UQAM Canada Harold Boeck Jessica Verville Laurence La Vigne Mériam Mouhcine-Couture Jessica Brosseau-Rivard Pre Post
Fanshawe College Canada Liz Gray Daniella Odesa Luisa Zuleta Gaurav Kakar David Ouellette Sarah Saber Pre Post
James Madison University USA Theresa Clarke Haley Nininger Jennifer Helenek Greta Wolking Rebecca Kilcoyne Pre Post
James Madison University USA Theresa Clarke Jami Adler Alex Goldfarb Nicole Swindell Megan Charnovich Pre Post


Honorable Mentions

During the judging process, a few campaigns were handpicked by our Judging Panel as having demonstrated excellence in regards to a specific digital marketing characteristic. The 2018 GOMAC would like to provide Honorable Mentions to the following teams:

Honorable Mention Institution Country Professor Team Captain Member
Excellence in Google Data Studio Reporting James Madison University USA Theresa Clarke Haley Nininger Jennifer Helenek Greta Wolking Rebecca Kilcoyne
Excellence in Google Ads/Social Media Integrated Strategy West Virginia University USA Laurel Cook Elizabeth Gratz Andrew Shaw Clay Thomas Maria Williams
Excellence in Analytical Reasoning Fanshawe College Canada Lina Manuel Samantha Dcosta Hassan Khan Jason Lewis
Excellence in The Digital Marketing Strategy European University of Flensburg Germany Berthold Hass Anika Morf Annika Bitter Daniela Schmüser Jan Witthohn Christin Thomsen
Excellence in Data Analysis Kaunas University of Technology Lithuania Elena Vitkauskaitė Vita Šarlauskaitė Rasa Narvilaitė Vilda Girniūtė Rasa Dvaranauskaitė Monika Abraitytė Eimantė Mištautaitė



The Global 2018 GOMAC Ranking table

The following table lists an ordered rank* of the best 2018 GOMAC teams:

CID Country Region Ranking Category
748-702-5429 Poland Europe Global Winner
554-793-8427 Canada Americas Regional Winner
749-800-1252 India Asia-Pacific/Middle East-Africa Regional Winner
606-803-0194 Germany Europe Regional Winner
555-769-0488 Canada Americas Finalist
380-452-9139 Canada Americas Finalist
752-339-9913 USA Americas Finalist
135-840-4807 USA Americas Finalist
904-532-2354 USA Americas Semi-Finalist
701-115-1778 USA Americas Semi-Finalist
965-839-2562 Canada Americas Semi-Finalist
319-134-5446 Canada Americas Semi-Finalist
440-460-0697 Canada Americas Semi-Finalist
644-052-7439 Canada Americas Semi-Finalist
833-851-7145 USA Americas Semi-Finalist
315-775-1327 Canada Americas Semi-Finalist
966-120-2235 Australia Asia-Pacific/Middle East-Africa Semi-Finalist
517-944-5274 Saudi Arabia Asia-Pacific/Middle East-Africa Semi-Finalist
575-160-1643 Germany Europe Semi-Finalist
337-738-2698 France Europe Semi-Finalist
752-265-7533 Lithuania Europe Semi-Finalist
413-609-9298 Portugal Europe Semi-Finalist
307-771-9531 USA Americas Nominee
348-040-2588 USA Americas Nominee
519-390-2200 USA Americas Nominee
174-333-3282 Canada Americas Nominee
230-839-5005 Canada Americas Nominee
269-041-6398 Canada Americas Nominee
344-091-0133 Canada Americas Nominee
402-827-4315 Canada Americas Nominee
684-532-0354 Canada Americas Nominee
686-154-4792 Canada Americas Nominee
798-913-4711 Canada Americas Nominee
830-036-0964 Canada Americas Nominee
906-669-2345 Canada Americas Nominee
975-246-5174 Canada Americas Nominee
168-012-4548 Australia Asia-Pacific/Middle East-Africa Nominee
274-256-8944 Saudi Arabia Asia-Pacific/Middle East-Africa Nominee
752-094-1088 Saudi Arabia Asia-Pacific/Middle East-Africa Nominee
771-518-1352 Saudi Arabia Asia-Pacific/Middle East-Africa Nominee
625-186-5862 Switzerland Europe Nominee
990-144-7047 Lithuania Europe Nominee
995-915-7474 Italy Europe Nominee

* Nominees are not order ranked

The Judging Process Overview

The 2018 GOMAC Judging Panel, 15 digital marketing Professors from around the world, judged the students’ digital marketing campaigns based on each teams’ Pre- and Post-Campaign decks and Google Data Studio reports.

We would like to thank the following GOMA Community members for being part of the GOMAC Judging Panel and supporting the GOMAC Organizing Committee in the judging process:

      Professor Alessia Calzolari from IULM University in Italy.
      Professor Laurel Cook from West Virginia University in USA.
      Professor Berthold Hass from European University of Flensburg in Germany.
      Professor Beth Hendricks from Beth Hendricks in USA.
      Professor Brendan Hibbert from North Metropolitan TAFE in Australia.
      Professor Sajith Narayanan from FLAME University in India.
      Professor Natalie Sarrasin from HES-SO Valais in Switzerland.
      Professor Paulo Silva from Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu in Portugal.
      Professor Sharifah Syed Ahmad from Prince Sultan University in Saudi Arabia.
      Professor Elena Vitkauskaitė from Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania.

We also would like to thank Professor Jamie Murphy, the Lead of the GOMC Global Academic Panel, for his contribution to the 2018 GOMAC.

The Judging process

Out of the initial 165 teams to submit their candidacy to the 2018 GOMAC, Professors nominated only the best 43 teams to proceed to the next round of the judging process. The GOMAC Judging Panel then identified 22 Semi-Finalists. These top teams demonstrated a superior understanding of digital marketing and developed and documented very high-quality campaigns. The Judging process also identified 8 Finalists, 3 of whom became Regional Winners. The Global Winner was selected from the 3 Regional Winners during an additional judging phase. Once the Global Winner was selected, it automatically forfeited its Regional Winner title, the runner-up team from the same region became the new Regional Winner.

A team was ranked as Semi-Finalist or Finalist based on their marketing campaign’s performance rather than by a cutoff based on a predetermined number of teams per rank. Regions can therefore have a different number of Semi-Finalists and Finalists. Having a team reach the rank of Semi-Finalist or Finalist was not influenced by the performance of other competing student teams.

A panel of international judges evaluated teams outside their geographic region. Professors that supervised a Regional Winner did not participate in the GOMAC Final Judging Panel. Professors from every region selected the Global Winner. The GOMAC Final Judging Panel proceeded with open votes that were then revalidated by each judge independently. The entire process was certified as authentic by Professor Harold Boeck from ESG UQAM in Canada.

We would like to thank the following GOMA Community members for being part of the GOMAC Final Judging Panel:

      Professor Alessia Calzolari from IULM University in Italy.
      Professor Laurel Cook from West Virginia University in USA.
      Professor Berthold Hass from European University of Flensburg in Germany.
      Professor Beth Hendricks from Beth Hendricks in USA.
      Professor Brendan Hibbert from North Metropolitan TAFE in Australia.
      Professor Natalie Sarrasin from HES-SO Valais in Switzerland.
      Professor Paulo Silva from Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu in Portugal.
      Professor Sharifah Syed Ahmad from Prince Sultan University in Saudi Arabia.
      Professor Elena Vitkauskaitė from Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania.

The 2018 GOMAC Organizing Committee

The 2018 GOMAC was governed by the Global Online Marketing Academics (GOMA) which comprises Academics from around the world who have extensive experience in digital marketing education. The 2018 GOMAC Organizing Committee included GOMC Global Academic Panel members and supervisors of GOMC winning teams:
      Professor Harold Boeck, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
      Professor Theresa B. Clarke, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA
      Professor Wojciech Czart, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
      Professor Liz Gray, Faculty at Fanshawe College, London, Canada
      Professor Jamie Murphy, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland (GOMC Global Academic Panel Lead)
      Professor Edwin Schravesande, Fontys University of Applied Science, Netherlands